March 7, 2016

Contact: Andrew Jerome, 202-314-3106

MINNEAPOLIS (March 7, 2016) – “You’re not just farmers. You’re in the national security business, and we need you out there on the front lines protecting America’s economic future.” That was the call-to-action issued today by retired U.S. Army General Wesley Clak at the National Farmers Union 114th Anniversary Convention.

Clark, a West Point valedictorian who also served as the NATO Supreme Allied Commander, explained that oil dependence has dominated America’s foreign and military policy for too long and that renewable energy is key to breaking the cycle.

“How many more U.S. troops do we need to send abroad before the nation wakes up and says, ‘you can’t run foreign policy based on the price of a barrel of oil,’” Clark asked the group.

“Energy policy is national security policy,” he added, calling the Renewable Fuel Standard one of the most important pieces of energy policy ever passed because it boosts production of homegrown alternative energy sources.

“We need your support to keep the Renewable Fuel Standard in place,” Clark told the gathering of more than 500 farmers and ranchers from across the country.

But it won’t be easy and rural America will meet stiff resistance from Big Oil.  The oil industry is “the most powerful industry in the history of mankind,” he said, and it will use its money and political power to maintain a stranglehold on America and the energy market.

Calling ethanol “greener, cleaner, cheaper and better,” Clark said U.S. farmers have a positive story of success to share while fighting for America’s energy future.

“If we can stay with the Renewable Fuels Standard, we will beat the Saudis, the Russians, the Iranians or anybody else who tries to manipulate this country…we’ll put our own energy policy in place,” he concluded.  “I don’t want my grandchildren going out there to fight for someone else’s oil, and neither do you.”

National Farmers Union has been working since 1902 to protect and enhance the economic well-being and quality of life for family farmers, ranchers and rural communities through advocating grassroots-driven policy positions adopted by its membership.


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