Contact: Melisa Augusto, 202-314-3191

CLEARWATER BEACH, Fla. (Jan. 14, 2014) – National Farmers Union’s (NFU) 2014 Women’s Conference will conclude today in Clearwater Beach, Fla. This conference for farm and rural women is based on the well-respected Annie’s Project education program. The event was held Jan. 11-14, 2014, and provided participants with tools and information to confidently manage risks in their farm or ranch operations and develop leadership skills.

“Family farm operations are more successful when each person in the management team better understands strategic planning, business analysis, family dynamics, and transferring operations from one generation to the next,” said NFU President Roger Johnson. “This conference builds on our experience in proving adult education classes specifically designed for women in agriculture.”

U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Krysta Harden was a keynote speaker at the event. A variety of trained instructors will taught family farm finances, budgeting and cash flow, cooperatives, marketing, farm transfer and estate planning, business planning, leadership assessment and skills, generational issues, and action planning. Attendees learned about skills for women leading in agriculture and have peer-to-peer networking opportunities.

Annie’s Project also helps women find new ways to balance the demands of family, community and professionalism within the agricultural community. The conference was sponsored by Farm Credit, American Farmland Trust, CoBank, FUI Foundation and the NFU Foundation.

National Farmers Union has been working since 1902 to protect and enhance the economic well-being and quality of life for family farmers, ranchers and rural communities through advocating grassroots-driven policy positions adopted by its membership.


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